General English for Technical-Vocational University Students

1,458,000 ریال

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ناشر : انتشارات موجک (ناشر دانشگاهی)

کد کتاب : M832

عنوان : General English for Technical-Vocational University Students

تالیف : مریم بهاردوست

مشخصات ظاهری : ۷۹ صفحه، قطع وزیری

چاپ اول : تابستان ۱۴۰۱، تيراژ : ۵۰۰ جلد

قيمت : ۱۶۲۰۰۰۰ ريال، شابک : ۹-۵۱۳-۹۹۴-۶۰۰-۹۷۸

حقوق چاپ و نشر برای ناشر محفوظ است.


Publisher: Mojak Publications (Academic Publisher)
Book code: M832
Title: General English for Technical-Vocational University Students
Written by: Maryam Bhardost
Appearance specifications: 79 pages, ministerial cut
First edition: summer 1401, circulation: 500 volumes
Price: 1620,000 riyals, Shabak: 978-600-994-513-9
Copyright is reserved for the publisher.

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As it is implied from the title of the book, General English for Technical-Vocational University Students, the present book is a general course for university students whose major field is other than English.
This book is a series of reading texts and grammatical tips for technical-vocational university students. Indeed, readings are mostly internet based and relevant to the students’ majors. They cover a wide range of useful topics and materials regarding the technical-vocational majors. The present book aims to provide opportunities for technical-vocational students to extend vocabulary range as well as grammatical knowledge.
The book is organized into ten units. Each unit involves a reading text followed by a number of grammatical points including different suffixes and relevant exercises. Specifically, the suffix exercises comprised of “fill-in the blank-exercises”.
Moreover, each unit ends with students’ activities. They involve “true-false”, fill- in the blanks”, “multiple-choice”, matching (synonyms and antonyms) exercises, respectively.
The author of the book hopes that she can offer a useful and comprehensive general English book for those students who seek to educate in technical-vocational universities. The author tried her best to collect the most useful materials in order to pave the way for better comprehension of General English for the above-mentioned university students.

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