TEACHING PRAGMATICS, Theory and Practice

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ناشر : انتشارات موجک (ناشر دانشگاهی)

کد کتاب : M921

عنوان : TEACHING PRAGMATICS, Theory and Practice

تالیف : دکتر سیدمحمد باقرزاده حسینی

مشخصات ظاهری : ۸۰ صفحه، قطع وزیری

چاپ اول : تابستان ۱۴۰۲، تيراژ : ۵۰۰ جلد

قيمت : ۱۶۳۰۰۰۰ ريال، شابک : ۴-۵۹۲-۹۹۴-۶۰۰-۹۷۸

حقوق چاپ و نشر برای ناشر محفوظ است.


Publisher: Mojak Publication (academic publisher)
Book code: M921
Title: TEACHING PRAGMATICS, Theory and Practice
Written by: Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Bagherzadeh Hosseini
Appearance specifications: 80 pages, ministerial cut
First edition: summer 1402, circulation: 500 volumes
Price: 1,630,000 riyals, Shabak: 978-600-994-592-4
Copyright is reserved for the publisher.

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What does pragmatics mean for the English language teacher? Knowing the pragmatics of a language helps learners use it appropriately in a variety of situations. Realizing there is no one best way to teach pragmatics is crucial. Teachers can incorporate lessons on pragmatics into their existing lesson plans or they may decide to add lessons as the need arises. Language functions like greetings, requests, complaints, invitations, and apologies are frequently covered in pragmatics lessons. These lessons frequently include both the home culture and the target culture.
The book will review the literature on the theoretical background and past research relevant to the present study. The theoretical background will provide an overview of pragmatics and the related concepts of pragmatic competence, cooperative principles, and politeness. This will be followed by an account of theoretical perspectives within interlanguage pragmatics and the related areas of inquiry, and a review of the research studies in the field. Next, the three speech acts of apology, request, and refusal will be explained, and the pertinent studies will be reviewed.



What does pragmatics mean for the English language teacher? Knowing the pragmatics of a language helps learners use it appropriately in a variety of situations. Realizing there is no one best way to teach pragmatics is crucial. Teachers can incorporate lessons on pragmatics into their existing lesson plans or they may decide to add lessons as the need arises. Language functions like greetings, requests, complaints, invitations, and apologies are frequently covered in pragmatics lessons. These lessons frequently include both the home culture and the target culture.
The book will review the literature on the theoretical background and past research relevant to the present study. The theoretical background will provide an overview of pragmatics and the related concepts of pragmatic competence, cooperative principles, and politeness. This will be followed by an account of theoretical perspectives within interlanguage pragmatics and the related areas of inquiry, and a review of the research studies in the field. Next, the three speech acts of apology, request, and refusal will be explained, and the pertinent studies will be reviewed.

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